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Jackson Community Foundation Redesigned Legacy Scholarship


Jackson, MI (December 21, 2020) – The Jackson Community Foundation set a goal to redesign the
Jackson Legacy Scholarship to a have more lasting impact on Jackson County. Data shows that
most scholarships are available to students in their first year of college and primarily cover tuition
and fees leaving students with a plethora of additional expenses. Students also face reduced
scholarship opportunities in their subsequent years of college.

“With our new vision to Help Students Complete, we are committed to eliminating any hurdles that
may prevent completion,” said Monica Moser, President and CEO. She continued, “To that end, we
will continue to harness the Jackson Legacy Scholarship program to support local students
attending our local colleges and universities but it will be modified to include returning learners with
a special focus on students from low-income families, students of color, and first-generation college
students. Local data confirms national findings that these three groups stand to benefit the most
from higher education degrees, yet often lack the resources needed to attend. In addition, the
scholarship will set aside an emergency fund to help students with unexpected life complications.”

We know the more we can leverage our resources and intentionally target the students in most
need, the greater impact we will have. Therefore, we are encouraging current and prospective
donors to align with the Jackson Legacy Scholarship. The following funds have already made a
commitment of support: the Anto Scholarship, the Jackson Education Endowment, the Dean
McLeod Scholarship, the Patrick Carney II Memorial Scholarship, the Rotary Club of Jackson
Scholarship, the Kiwanis Club of Jackson, and the Bob and Dawn Hardy Scholarship for a total of
$1,427,001 toward making this vision a reality!

For more information on the Legacy Scholarship Program or any of the Jackson Community
Foundation scholarships or to donate to this fund, go to Scholarship
applications are now being accepted through February 16th at 5PM.


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